s3cmd – how to put files with expiration on S3/CloudFront #AWS #s3
[bash]s3cmd put –add-header "Cache-Control: 604800" -P ./* s3://mybucket.com/path/to/files/[/bash] If you have your CloudFront Distribution pointed to your S3 bucket, files…
[bash]s3cmd put –add-header "Cache-Control: 604800" -P ./* s3://mybucket.com/path/to/files/[/bash] If you have your CloudFront Distribution pointed to your S3 bucket, files…
So you decided to change the default location of your mongodb data path on mongodb.conf but mongo won’t start and…
gid= and uid= are not valid for XFS, pass “grpid=” to your fstab entry. /dev/xvdf /media/ebs/data xfs defaults,auto,noatime,noexec,grpid=1000 0 0
Say you have some environment variables that you’d love to use as arguments of an executable in your project. 1.…
Facebook plays it really shady with it’s “Like” button on their inner “Pages”. Everywhere on the net their like buttons…