90,027 homicides in Venezuela [1998,2004]

El número de homicidios registrados entre 1998 y 2004 en Venezuela totalizó 90,027, una cifra que casi triplica el número de muertos en la Guerra de Afganistán (2001-2006), y supera ampliamente las bajas producidas en conflictos como la Guerra de Chechenia (1991-1994) y la Guerra del Golfo Pérsico (1990-1992),

The number of registered homicides between 1998 and 2004 in Venezuela summarized 90,027, a number that almost triples the number of dead in the Afganistan war (2001-2006), and broadly outgrows the deaths in conflicts such as the Chechenia War (1991-1994) and the Gulf War (1990-1992)

Wanna go to Venezuela? It’s the best country in the world 🙂

Torre La previsora – Courtesy of Huguito’s flickr photos

I still have nightmares I’m being mugged on the street, last night I dreamed I was walking from La Previsora to Av. Libertador, and two motherfuckers were trying to get my wallet, I started screaming “Policia! Policia!” and started running so the son of a bitch wouldn’t get me. I’ve been living in the US since 2003, I still have nightmares.

If you live in a safe country, don’t take for granted the chance to walk without fear at night, to not have to check out the window every 5 minutes if your car is getting cause you parked it on the street, to not be afraid everytime you stop at a red light, to go to an ATM and not fear for an express kidnap, to be able to wear whatever you want without fear, to be able to use your ipod or play with your new phone, or use your laptop on the subway, bus or in a public park, to not have to look behind you in case you’re being followed.

Security is one of the best privileges you can enjoy, don’t take it for granted.

3 thoughts on “90,027 homicides in Venezuela [1998,2004]

  1. quedate viviendo alla!… me da pena por ti de pana… la propaganda que le haces a tu pais…

    Donde leiste eso? EL NACIONAL?? :S

    20 ptos tu post!!

  2. Pingback: Gubatron

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