Today I found out I could extend the functionality of __EXISTING__ html classes with javascript.
I was manipulating DOM objects, better known as HTMLElement objects, and I needed a way to print the HTML that represents the tag of the object, not what’s contained by the tags… a friend told me there was a method called “outerHTML”, and I thought he was joking, but it certainly makes sense after the precious “innerHTML” method (which is one of the only things which I thank IE for).
So, the same story for outerHTML, it is not supported by mozilla browsers, but little did I know, that existing class functionality can be extending using the prototypes… see how you can add .outerHTML compatibility to your page, just paste this in one of generic libraries:
//In order to allow .outerHTML in Firefox, we add this. var _emptyTags = { "IMG": true, "BR": true, "INPUT": true, "META": true, "LINK": true, "PARAM": true, "HR": true }; HTMLElement.prototype.__defineGetter__("outerHTML", function () { var attrs = this.attributes; var str = "<" + this.tagName; for (var i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) str += " " + attrs[i].name + "="" + attrs[i].value + """; if (_emptyTags[this.tagName]) return str + ">"; return str + ">" + this.innerHTML + "" + this.tagName + ">"; });
Now If you’re doing something say with scriptaculous…
someTD = Builder.node(‘td’, {‘valign’:’top’},[someNode, someNode2, someNode3])
and you need to get the HTML for someTD, all you do is:
and it will work on both IE and Firefox.
SI esto funciona, tienes un nuevo usuario 😀