Analizing a succesful “Digger”

How many times have you tried to get a story on and it just won’t get anywhere, but then you see stories submitted only 45 minutes ago, and they’re already on the home page?

I decided to take a look at the profile of a successful digger and analize him a little bit.
It turns out, just as expected, Digging your way through takes a lot of work… or maybe a lot of time wasted, depends on how you see it.

Digg, Digg, and then digg some more

From looking at this guy’s profile (who actually had 2 stories on the homepage by the time of this writing), it seems one of the most important things are to Digg a lot, and have a lot of important friends on digg. He hasn’t really invited any friends to join, instead it seems he’s made friends with people that actually love digg, just like him. Those are the people that will actually be digging. Also, he doesn’t really comment much.

This has been my experience too, none of my real friends do, so having your real friends on digg and begging for diggs on your submissions is probably not gonna cut it, you need the support of diggers with some sort of popularity on the site. The same principle applies to if you want to become a guru.

Use other social bookmarking networks
If you check this guy’s profile, he’s also on, Twitter, and His Twitter and accounts aren’t that amazing, but his StumbleUpon’s is truly amazing considering he’s been digging so much. This tells me that he probably diggs a lot of what he stumbles and he stumbles a lot of what he diggs.

Check out his stats

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