God is an imaginary friend, for adults
Morgan Freeman
Personal Coding and Hobby Notebook
God is an imaginary friend, for adults
Morgan Freeman
After seeing Zeitgeist – The Movie, 2007 a couple times, these are the thougts in my mind. World Bankers use: Myths: Religions (which go untaxed, and collect billions of dollars) Terrorism (the faceless and impossible to beat enemy we can chase forever) Distractions: Media (controlled press, movies) Consumist Culture (a lot of people have no […]
I’m fascinated by the concept of “reality”, and lately I’ve seen and read from different authors references about the subject. Most recently I read a passage from Richard Dawkins on his book “The God Delusion” that deals with reality. The human brain runs first-class simulation software. Our eyes don’t present to our brains a faithful […]
Las religiones podemos percibirlas como doctrinas que buscan ensenarnos buenas morales, pero tienen el poder de jugar con el pensamiento irracional del ser humano, infectandolos con mentiras sin evidencia alguna en etapas en que nuestro cerebro esta geneticamente programado para absorber lo que figuras de autoridad nos dicen, asi sea mentira, estoy hablando de la […]