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How to have a Play framework app autostart during boot on Elastic Beanstalk CentOS ec2 instances
So you’ve created an Elastic Beanstalk environment, you have a play framework distribution which you’ve created using play dist (either on your local environment, or right there on the server, whatever you prefer) play dist outputs a file which has a self-contained version of your app with all the necessary libraries and a start […]
Note about Signals and PyQt4.
I keep making the mistake of sending PyQt_PyObjects instead of sending actual Qt4 objects on signals that are defined by Qt like that. Bottom line: If a signal has been defined by Qt, to send Qt objects, just copy and paste it, do not try to override it by exchanging the Qt objects for PyQt_PyObject. […]
startKeychain – bash utility to start ssh-agent
For my (and your) future reference, here’s a function to put on your .bashrc or .bash_profile, you can invoke it later at any time to start/re-start your ssh-agent. [bash] function startKeychain { killall ssh-agent rm ~/.keychain/* keychain id_rsa HOSTNAME=`hostname` source ~/.keychain/${HOSTNAME}-sh } [/bash] Then at any time, the “command” startKeychain will be available on your […]