Biking Route, Spring is here

Bike trip from Brooklyn to Manhattan

White tree at Sheep's Meadow in Central Park, one of my favorite spots to relax in the city for freeWhenever I see the temperature go above 65F I feel a sudden urge to leave the house. Yesterday I decided to take a bike trip to the city and back.

On the way there, my ipod blasted two prodigy records, then while in Central Park I listened to a wonderful podcast called E01 (spanish) which judges TV shows based on their first aired episode, the E01.

Resting while listening to E01 podcast

After the trip I have one request for Mayor Bloomberg, please add bike lanes in midtown on 2nd Av. it’s really scary to bike anywhere up above 34th st, definitively lot better once you ride south of 14th st.

My next trip will be to Park Slope right here in Brooklyn.

Do you have any favorite bike routes in your city? Please share

3 thoughts on “Biking Route, Spring is here

  1. Fácil son 2 horas de recorrido, a simple vista. La verdad es que tengo tiempo sin montarme en una bici, a excepción de las estáticas del gimnasio.

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