Birthday Trackback (29yrs old – 2008)

So today is my birthday and I want to thank everyone who sent out a shout for me in chronological order.
I also want to mention that it was interesting to see a few things:

  • As my friend Daniel Chang pointed out, it seems that regular people are finally catching up to the internet, I didn’t receive a phone call the whole day, expect from my closest family members. I personally think it’s a pain in the ass getting so many phone calls for the same reason the same day, everybody has finally seen the beauty of digital messaging, and its awesome that everybody seems to have a facebook account nowadays, they just post to the wall and done deal.
  • There’s some clever Facebook app developers, maybe a little to evil, but I received several “birthday cards”, which in fact were Facebook apps, I didn’t bother to open them as soon as the first one said it was an application which needed access to all my contact info and friend info… bastards. But this makes me think that birthday related functionality is a must, specially if there’s friendship functionality already available to your site. You’ll always have clusters of users interacting with each other thanks to many birthdays a day
  • So, here it goes, thanks a lot for taking the time to send a shout, pretty cool to know there’s so many people that did so:

    – My wife
    – My wife’s parents, who came before midnight and gave me a drill for my tool-set as a birthday gift.
    – My mom
    – My dad
    – My sisters
    – The Swaman
    – La Tati (via SMS)
    – Raul Hernandez, now in UK
    – Fitim Blaku
    Hugo Londono
    Guillermo Amador
    – Rhona Bucarito and Luis Ramirez
    – Laura Borman, now in UK aswell
    Felix Rios
    – Eduardo Torres
    Javier Chauran
    – Marcelina Knitter, my sister in law
    Nacarid Lopez
    – Honack Villanueva, the most responsible team mate when I was in school
    – Gabriela Noriega, it seems now all over the place (CCS/CDG/MAD/LUX/CDG)
    – Adelaida Moubayyed, now in Spain
    – Felix Berger
    – Jose Lopez Brett, aka Nosgoth
    – Gabriela
    – Adriana Fulchini
    – Daibory Trujillo
    – Sue Geissenberger
    – Maria Cione
    – Roger Kapsi
    – Ale Penichet
    – Cristian Radu
    – Angel Eloy, who wrote me a very nice email
    – Antonio Jordana
    – Gabe Perez
    – Stephanie Alvarez
    – Katay Santos (before in China, now in CCS)

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