Birthday Trackbacks (30 yrs old – 2009)

As a way to thank back all the people that took a few seconds, minutes, or even hours preparing a happy birthday message for me, here’s the list of all of you. (Here’s last year’s)

– My beautiful wife
– Laura Borman [uk] (It was great to see you this year in London)
– Erika Acosta [es]
– Adelaida Moubayyed [es]
– Jonathan Mujica [ve]
– Gustavo Tovar [ve]
– My mom
– My sister Nicole
– My dad
– All the Swaman [ve,usa,uk,china]
– My aunt Kata
– My aunt Yennis
– My grandma Avelina
– My grandpa/uncle Juan
– My aunt Goya
– My aunt Rosa who took so much care of me during my teen years and I’ll never forget it
– My cousin Angel Eloy who this year made some cool videos
– My parents in law
– Katay Santos [called from China this year]
– Jairo Boudewyn [ve]
– Abigail Reyes [ve]
– Jose Molina [co]
– Fitim Blaku [es]
– Helena Hui [ny]
– Hania Bednarski [ny]
– Antonio Jordana
– Sabrina Quintero
– Josmig Farreras
– Gabe Perez
– Alejandra Aparicio
– La Tati [mia]
– Mariuber Torres [ve]
– Zlatin Balevsky
– Marcelina Knitter [ny]
– El Titi [ve]
– Nancy Molina [co]
– Victor M Filippini Jr [mia]
– Aixela Valentin [ve]
– Eduardo Filacchione
– Glevys Malaguera
– Jeir Martinez Molina [co]
– Ana Gabriela [ve]
– Wayka Marino [ve]
– Mariela de Baron [ve]
– Jessica Leon [ve]
– Jose Ramon Godoy [mia]
– Daniel Pons [es]
– Ciro Duran
– Dave Nicponski [ny]
– Carlos Javier Carbonell [uk]
– Maura Patricia Murgas [co]
– Sinnis Espinoza [ve]
– Ale Penichet [ve]
– Stefano De Chicchis [ny]
– Pablo Moubayyed [ve]
– Maria Angelica Guevara [ve]
– María Cione [it]
– Cynthia Villoria [es]
– “Huguito” Londoño
– El @Infelix
– @vampy
– @luisraa
– @Niro
– @edgar
– @croncho
– @martin_twelve
– @DobleD
– @musicaymas
– @tesne
– @JoseManuel
– @Marole
– @GilCVV
– @HernanGarcia
– @R4mcst3r
– @rom
– @jamvtw
– Valeri Martinez [co]
– Roger Kapsi [ny]

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