Blooploader 0.6 is Hardy compatible

Blooploader 0.6 running on Hardy. Currently available only via subversion.

For our Linux users, you can safely update to Ubuntu Hardy if the one thing holding your breath was compatibility with the Blooploader.

Currently we run the Blooploader in Linux from source, you just need to have installed, Qt4, sip4, and PyQt4 on your machine. If you are an Ubuntu user this translates to:

  1. Checking out the source from our subversion repository
  2. sudo apt-get install python-sip4 python-qt4 python-qt-4-common
  3. ./run

For those of you that want to try the Blooploader in Ubuntu, and you have no clue on how to use the command line, we promise we’ll have a new .deb installer for our next release now that Hardy has enabled binary packages on their repository for all our dependencies.

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