BluBet – Should prostitution be legal in the United States?

I personally say it should be legal. High Profile prostitues making $5000 a night could be taxed and the money could be put to use on sex education, hospitals, schools, and what not.

Plus, being illegal isn’t even stopping governors and people of all walks of life from doing it.

If anything, mass-marketed prostitution, well regulated and what not, would be an awesome service to all those geek teenagers that can’t get laid, they’d just go and get their fix, instead of going crazy, taking stupid drugs, and doing mass shootings in their university… that’s why you don’t hear those kind of news in latin american countries, people get laid all the time, no need to go to the shrink, just have sex, best therapy in the world.

Maybe you’d regulate it by having a license to use a prostitute, you’d only be able to go after passing a medical exam, and being a certain age. You could only go to the prostitute after being tested every month or so. Prostitutes could follow a set of rules, like using condoms, and checking their customer’s licenses and latest exams. There would be so much money around this industry if it was legal. Girls could even go to school to learn everything related to it, from history, to managing their business, or managing people. No more pimps or danger around the whole thing. As they say, it’s the oldest profession known to man, and pretty much every woman gets laid for money in a way or another.

Besides… pornography is legal and its technically the same thing but on camera.

2 thoughts on “BluBet – Should prostitution be legal in the United States?

  1. You have made a good article about this. There are a lot of brothels here in the Philippines and most of the women came from nearby cities or from other provinces.

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