Book Attention Deficit Disorder

After I started working from home, and not commuting I realized the best time I had to read every day was the subway ride to and back from work.

I guess it was sort of a guilty pleasure to sometimes wish for the subway train to not arrive so early so you could read a little more before you got to work.

Now, between work, marathon training and life, I barely have any time left to read and I sometimes feel guilty to take the time to read. Usually I do so right before I go to bed, and I can only keep my eyes open for maybe 10 minutes so I’m not progressing in any of these very much.

I guess public transit commuting wasn’t so bad after all.

What do you advise? Should I read one by one? take a whole weekend and do nothing but read? How do you fight sleepiness?

2 thoughts on “Book Attention Deficit Disorder

  1. The pile has gone down. I’m using reading as both a release activity as well as a focus training activity. I’ve just finished Flashforward and Dan Brown’s The Lost Code. Now tackling Einstein’s.

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