Buen video, Buena cancion (Featured como World Wide Warning de Dance Department Podcast), Lindas Chicas, como en la mayoria de los videos dance, excelente para la vista.
After playing Guitar Hero so much lately, I’m getting back to playing my guitar and other than seeing videos like this, and actual guitar lessons on youtube.com, I’m starting to consider taking Guitar Classes as soon as I have some time. For now, I just enjoy clearing the Guitar Hero II crazy Xbox Live Achievements […]
Samim’s Heater uses the Colombian accordeon tune “La Pollera Colorada” to make one hell of a dance floor hit. Here’s the video on Joost, the sound quality is great. From Joost : Samim – Heater Saimim shows how to heat things up a bit with their funky anthem, Heater. Taken from continent to continent, this […]
One thought on “Britney Breaks the ice with Anime Fans”
A mi recordó un poco a Aeon Flux. No soy fanatica de Britney Spears, pero de verdad q’ me gustó este video.
A mi recordó un poco a Aeon Flux. No soy fanatica de Britney Spears, pero de verdad q’ me gustó este video.