building cgminer from source on OSX

so you cloned the cgminer repo from github to build on your OSX machine and you get this bullshit error

$ ./
readlink: illegal option -- f
usage: readlink [-n] [file ...]
usage: dirname path
touch: / Permission denied
Use of chdir('') or chdir(undef) as chdir() is deprecated at /usr/local/bin/autoreconf line 670.
./ line 10: /configure: No such file or directory

readlink works differently in OSX and the current version of the script seems like it wasn’t tested on OSX (wonder why didn’t they use a simple bs_dir=`pwd`, the answer is probably canonical paths and what not).

To keep moving along, open the script and just change the value of the bs_dir variable to the full real path of where you have cloned the cgminer source code.

then execute your autogen script, make sure to enable compilation flags for your ASIC hardware, in my case I remember seeing ‘icarus’ on a binary build of cgminer I tried before, so I did

./ --enable-icarus

you might want to enable all of them if you’re not sure what hardware you have or you will have in the future as you may not like the joys of building software (check out the the README for all the –enable-xxx options available)

If you’re getting errors on your configuration script due to missing dependencies, I strongly recommend you use Homebrew to install these packages (if you are using Macports or Fink, I strongly suggest you completely remove that crap from your computer and go 100% with brew, it works really well if you’re building a lot of code on a regular basis):

brew install autoconf automake autoreconf libtool openssl curses curl

brew, at the point of this writing didn’t have libcurl, so that one you will have to download, ./configure, make and sudo make install yourself from here (I used version 7.34 when I did it)

after that the autogen script should work, and then you should be just one ‘make’ away from your goal.