Building The Taj Mahal with LEGOs

It had been ages since I didn’t play LEGO, after building a smaller project to see if we could get along as a team we decided to tackle a larger project.

Some life lessons you learn while playing with LEGOs:

1. Organization is key.
The more you can organize your blocks before doing any actual building, the better. The thinking is that you’ll have to find and use each and every piece on that box, you might as well do the indexing first and then spend no time looking for the pieces you need for your building.
Eventually we ended up separating every single kind of block and we put them in zip-lock bags or tupperware containers.

2. Attention to detail.

3. Focus.

4. Divide and conquer
But do so wisely, if you have to build the same module several times, that’s a perfect tasks to divide and do in parallel. If there’s a unique and very complex module to build, it’s better that you do it by yourself while your team builds other unique pieces. If they want to participate you could take turns, and spot each other to avoid mistakes. (sounds a lot like pair coding)

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