Capoeira – House Party

Bahiana (Ariel) y yoI’m gonna try to do this post in english for those of you who can speak the language and can’t speak any spanish.

Basically, the last night I posted something on the blog, it was because I went to a presentation of The Amigos Invibles, I went back home, updated the website, went to bed around 4am, and then I had to get up to go to work at 6:30am.

Tonight I had planned to go to Princeton for a party that my Capoeira Teacher and his Princeton students were organizing to fund the upcoming Capoeira Bautizado on next april.

It’s really funny cause ever since Katay put up the capoeira website, now, we had a link to Princeton’s Capoeira, funny how life turns, I ended up going to a party last night over there, and now my teacher is Zumbi, their teacher.

So after getting off from work, and very tired, I went back home to change clothes and get ready for the party, it was well worth not having just gone home and slept, this party was one of the best parties I’ve been to.

So I met my friend Bahiana (Ariel) in Jersey City and then we took the Path to Newark, where we would catch a train that would take us to
Princeton. In there, Samir (Princeton Capoeirista), would be waiting for us with his car to take us to the party.

DJ ChocolateSo we went to the party, and it was in like a big fraternity house, like the ones we latin american only see in those comedy films about college, it was just like that. The capoeira group was charging $3 contribution cover to get funds for our Bautizado next year. All the beer you could have, and DJ Chocolate from S.O.B was playing his excellent set of Hip Hop, Brasilian and Latin Music. We danced everything, from Samba, to Break Dance, to Capoeira, to Merengue and Salsa, it was just awesome.

It’d been a long time since I didn’t party like there was no tomorrow, lately I’ve been partying with people older than me, and they just don’t have as much fun as people in college, it made me want to go back to school, so those of you who are still in college, please party all you can.

Loro & Zumbi

I danced with some awesome Brazilian and Brazilian American Girls, I was surprised how well the other girls dance samba, and it seems like almost everybody in Capoeira Princeton love Capoeira cause they all speak portuguese among each other.

Chicas brasileras, uff, que bien

After the party the greatest thing happened on the way back home, it started snowing, to me this was awesome, since it was the first time ever I saw snow falling from the sky, so now I’m waiting for snow again (you must be laughing) and I want all of this place covered in white.

Zumbi & Loro Jogando



Jeva haciendo Break Dance

On the next post, I’ll show what I did on Sat Night, which was going to a fancy ass party with my friend Maritza. We went to Tavern on the Green on Central Park. It was nice, excelente food, excelent drinks, but I have to admit I had a lot more fun on the house party, kick ass!

Jeva haciendo Break Dance

Jeva haciendo Break Dance

Jeva haciendo Break Dance

Jeva haciendo Break Dance

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