command line speed test, see how fast is your server’s connection

Save the following script in a file called speed_test


# Requirements
# sudo apt-get install lftp iperf

lftp -e 'pget; exit; '

make sure the file is executable: sudo chmod +x speed_test

Once you have installed lftp and iperf make sure you have the script somewhere in your $PATH.

The script basically downloads an ubuntu iso and does the math.

The output looks like this on a AWS m3.large instance:

$ speed_test
1054871586 bytes transferred in 14 seconds (70.37M/s)

Multiply by 8 to convert 70.37M/s to Megabits per second = 562.96 Mbit/s

AWS’s download speeds for m3.large instances is half a gigabit in January 2016. (or is that the upload speed of the Ubuntu ISO server?)

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