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Call to an end of keys and locks as we know them
I’m personally trying to simplify my life as much as possible, getting rid of the things I don’t need/enjoy. Keys are one of them. When you have too many locks in your life, this is particularly uncomfortable, and those few electronic locks in the mix that you find nowadays with fobs/passwords can only help so […]
Hugo Chavez quiere Nacionalizar las telecomunicaciones en Venezuela
Lo que hacemos con las manos, ellos lo destruyen con los pies. No se acuerdan la felicidad que tuvimos con la “Medio” apertura de las telecomunicaciones del 2000, que ahora es que finalmente empezamos a sentir los primeros frutos, y que ha creado uno de los mercados mas exitosos de nuestra economia… Se imaginan lo […]
My Shit Turd picture got a feature on
Here’s my 2 cents for before 08 comes to an end… Me and my family saw this (and laughed hard as I took out the camera without hesitation) on our way into the first G car on Court Sq. (headed towards Greenpoint of course) First thing that came to my mind. “This is so […]
Me imagino a Reese Witherspoon bajándone de ahí =S
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