Dictionary for Decoding Women’s Personal Ads

Taken from Craigslist

Ø 40-ish..............................49.
Ø Adventurous......................Slept with everyone.
Ø Athletic............................No breasts.
Ø Average looking.................Moooo.
Ø Beautiful..........................Pathological liar.
Ø Emotionally Secure..............On medication.
Ø Feminist...........................Fat.
Ø Free Spirit.............................Junkie.
Ø Friendship first...................Former Slut.
Ø New-Age.................Body hair in the wrong places.
Ø Old-fashioned....................No B.J.'s
Ø Open-minded.....................Desperate.
Ø Outgoing......................Loud and embarrassing.
Ø Professional............. ..........Bitch.
Ø Voluptuous.......................Very fat.
Ø Large frame.......................Hugely fat.
Ø Wants soul mate.................Stalker.

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