Droid vs Nexus 1 – SunSpider JavaScript Benchmark showdown

Nexus One runs JavaScript 2.32 times faster than the Motorola Droid.

The SunSpider JavaScript Benchmark was run several times on both phones and results were consistent.

It’d be great to compare with the iPhone 3Gs, If someone has an iPhone 3Gs, please run the test and send me the results to update this post.

RESULTS (means and 95% confidence intervals)
Total:                 34157.4ms +/- 2.8%

  3d:                   4277.6ms +/- 3.3%
    cube:               1212.4ms +/- 9.6%
    morph:              1680.0ms +/- 12.5%
    raytrace:           1385.2ms +/- 5.2%

  access:               4350.8ms +/- 7.1%
    binary-trees:        473.2ms +/- 7.6%
    fannkuch:           1959.4ms +/- 9.7%
    nbody:               985.2ms +/- 9.6%
    nsieve:              933.0ms +/- 39.8%

  bitops:               2921.4ms +/- 3.4%
    3bit-bits-in-byte:   545.4ms +/- 4.1%
    bits-in-byte:        735.6ms +/- 16.3%
    bitwise-and:         539.8ms +/- 9.9%
    nsieve-bits:        1100.6ms +/- 3.0%

  controlflow:           414.2ms +/- 8.5%
    recursive:           414.2ms +/- 8.5%

  crypto:               2064.4ms +/- 4.5%
    aes:                 859.8ms +/- 3.4%
    md5:                 638.8ms +/- 4.6%
    sha1:                565.8ms +/- 8.1%

  date:                 4434.2ms +/- 9.0%
    format-tofte:       1663.6ms +/- 6.7%
    format-xparb:       2770.6ms +/- 12.7%

  math:                 3223.6ms +/- 3.0%
    cordic:             1110.8ms +/- 6.2%
    partial-sums:       1264.0ms +/- 3.4%
    spectral-norm:       848.8ms +/- 3.2%

  regexp:               3980.0ms +/- 1.3%
    dna:                3980.0ms +/- 1.3%

  string:               8491.2ms +/- 3.8%
    base64:             1108.4ms +/- 7.0%
    fasta:              1683.4ms +/- 1.6%
    tagcloud:           1500.2ms +/- 9.5%
    unpack-code:        2456.2ms +/- 8.7%
    validate-input:     1743.0ms +/- 4.5%
RESULTS (means and 95% confidence intervals)
Total:                 14706.8ms +/- 4.8%

  3d:                   1593.6ms +/- 6.0%
    cube:                474.8ms +/- 17.2%
    morph:               566.2ms +/- 2.6%
    raytrace:            552.6ms +/- 1.0%

  access:               1885.0ms +/- 10.3%
    binary-trees:        202.8ms +/- 25.7%
    fannkuch:            819.4ms +/- 1.1%
    nbody:               406.2ms +/- 20.7%
    nsieve:              456.6ms +/- 28.1%

  bitops:               1640.8ms +/- 29.2%
    3bit-bits-in-byte:   300.8ms +/- 30.9%
    bits-in-byte:        390.0ms +/- 44.9%
    bitwise-and:         372.0ms +/- 55.7%
    nsieve-bits:         578.0ms +/- 36.8%

  controlflow:           200.8ms +/- 4.5%
    recursive:           200.8ms +/- 4.5%

  crypto:                880.8ms +/- 2.1%
    aes:                 385.6ms +/- 4.6%
    md5:                 254.4ms +/- 5.3%
    sha1:                240.8ms +/- 9.0%

  date:                 1843.6ms +/- 20.6%
    format-tofte:        840.0ms +/- 45.9%
    format-xparb:       1003.6ms +/- 1.3%

  math:                 1250.8ms +/- 1.6%
    cordic:              464.0ms +/- 1.1%
    partial-sums:        450.2ms +/- 3.0%
    spectral-norm:       336.6ms +/- 3.6%

  regexp:               2003.4ms +/- 15.2%
    dna:                2003.4ms +/- 15.2%

  string:               3408.0ms +/- 7.7%
    base64:              387.6ms +/- 2.4%
    fasta:               729.8ms +/- 3.7%
    tagcloud:            605.8ms +/- 4.2%
    unpack-code:        1019.8ms +/- 29.1%
    validate-input:      665.0ms +/- 1.1%

5 thoughts on “Droid vs Nexus 1 – SunSpider JavaScript Benchmark showdown

  1. I consistently get 22s for Droid if using xScope browser and 33 with Stock and Dolphin.
    However I don’t have Nexus One. If possible, could you please run the benchmark with xScope also?

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