FrostWire 4.13.3 Changelog

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Thanks to our community and especially to Micheal K. aka “Only A Hobo” for his continued help on the forums, supporting the community, and also for reporting the early problems with the LimeWire Update messages appearing on FrostWire.

We took a while for this fix because we decided to implement our own FrostWire Update System and not just silence the LimeWire messages. This way after 4.13.3, everytime we release a new version, everybody on the network will know about new updates.

Changes for 4.13.3 include:

* New Update Manager. Also allows delivery of special announcements to the community. And no, we won’t use this feature for spam, only for special announcements to the community, or special downloads.
* The Update Manager supports the delivery of torrent broadcasting to all the FrostWire community. This will allow us to lower bandwidth costs if we decide to distribute an upload using bittorrent trackers.
* FrostWire startup time back to normal, no more waiting for Chat window to load, the chat is now loaded on a background thread

As of 4.13.3, we are proud to announce that we’re now partners with IAC Search & Media ( on the distribution of the free Ask Toolbar. The success of this relationship will ensure the perpetual continuity of FrostWire’s absolutely free Peer-2-Peer tool and also improve the evolutionary technology behind it.

Thank you!
The FrostWire Team

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