Geek T-Shirt Collection #1 – The Ubuntu Upgrade T-Shirt

This is the first of a series of picture posts I intend to share with you so you can take a look at the collection of Geek T-Shirts I’ve managed to amass during the last 5 years.

If you are an internet or technology company, feel welcome to send me a t-shirt, If I haven’t done a review of your company/product, I’ll do a review for you in return and I’ll take a picture of myself wearing it.

The Ubuntu Upgrade T-Shirt

Front – “sudo apt-get upgrade”

Back – Ubuntu logo

This T-shirt I made as an homage to Ubuntu and the mantra of easy updates, as well as a mantra of always keeping yourself up to date in life with whatever you do.

Nowadays updating Ubuntu is even easier, but some people like me still might do it old style, updating manually the /etc/apt/sources.list file, and running sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get upgrade dist, the t-shirt reads sudo apt-get upgrade which will basically upgrade those packages on your machine that need to do so.

The T-shirt was made at my favorite T-shirt-making website, (here goes the free ad)

Photographed by Paulina Leon at 5 Points in Long Island City, NY.

See the Next T-Shirt

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