Geek T-Shirt Collection #7 –

There’s only 2 copies of this shirt, I made them on, the other one belongs to Fitim the original founder of I believe I’m the 3rd or 4th person to join the project, I did so around 2006, and it wasn’t until spring 2008 that we had the current look and feel of the site, along with the current logo which was created by El Blogo, an amazing graphic designer from Venezuela, who also gave birth to the FrostWire logo. According to Wikipedia

MyBloop is a file hosting and social networking website, based in New York, USA.

Angel Leon, one of the founders of the service once said:

“Google downloaded the Internet, uploaded everybody’s hardrive to it“

Details of the service

* Free of cost
* No need to enter CAPTCHAs to access files
* No waiting time required to access files
* Unlimited number of simultaneous downloads
* No limit on the size of file the user can upload
* No limit on the number of files the user can upload and manage in account
* Ability to upload all types of files
* Ability to stream .mp3 files, without the need to download them (with a flash interface)
* Ability to stream .flv files, without the need to download them (with a flash interface)
* Ability to stream .wma files, without the need to download them (with Windows Media Player plugin)
* Ability to stream .wmv files, without the need to download them (with Windows Media Player plugin)
* Ability to organize the music files in playlists
* Uploaded images are displayed in embedded form (no need to download them to see them)
* Ability to organize files in folders
* Ability to delete files
* Ability to rename uploaded files
* Files are never deleted (unless the user deletes them, of course)
* Ability to upload multiple files at the same time
* Ability to mark files as “private”, so only people that know (or guess) the exact URL of the files/folders can access them
* No discrimination against people based on their location (unlike Megaupload, for example)
* Free and open source, cross-platform software, that allows the user to upload files from the desktop (BloopLoader)

See the Previous T-Shirt
See the Next T-Shirt

2 thoughts on “Geek T-Shirt Collection #7 –

  1. MyBloop is an unreliable service. They’ve been experiencing a server issue for the past five or six weeks: any files hosted on are inaccessible — trying to download them simply times out. But you can still download files from any other FS server. Crazy. Oh well. I think these guys must be on the fast track to the deadpool.

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