Changelog for the weekend of Apr 21st 2006. – Pagination used to be 1,2,3 being 1 the latest posts. This was wrong, since a page would never have the same content. So now, we make 1, the page with the first posts ever, that way search engines will be able to index content properly. – […]
Charger and phone come in separate boxes. Charger does not come with a cable. The phone does. I guess it must be a statement for modularity and perhaps you get to buy only the accesories you need, if you need just a cable, you just buy the cable. It’s a pretty power adapter, but not […]
Here’s a couple of short movies I did in 2004-2005. The first one is a 50 sec short (in spanish) where I start what I called “Winter Education”, it’s very funny if you’ve never lived a winter before and you’ve never seen a stone bounce off of a frozen pond. The second one was more […]