Gubatron’s Multitask Secret

Gubatron’s Multitask Secret

Originally uploaded by Gubatron.

I finally decided to let the world know what’s my secret. Everybody keeps asking me how I manage to do so much, how do I have time. When Dolly was cloned, I became obsessive with the subject and did a lot of research on companies doing cloning, I managed to volunteer to be one of the first humans to be cloned, now I get to podcast, code for mybloop, code for frostwire, read, do business, master the drums and the guitar on Rockband and Guitar Hero while I’m my other clone is at work. The real me… you’ll never guess where it is.

From left to right:
– Rockband/Guitar Hero Shredding Gubatron
– Rockband Drummer Gubatron
– Business Gubatron on the phone making deals
– Reading Gubatron reading “The End of Oil”
– FrostWire Gubatron compiling a new FrostWire build
– Python developer Gubatron
– Podcaster Gubatron recording the podcast and wearing’s gear

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