Happy in the Snow

Let’s make this post in english for a change.

My street

I often say its a pain in the neck to be putting up with all this cold and have no snow around, I mean, If I’m gonna be cold, at least give me a visual reason to understand why it’s cold. Snow is a pretty good one, I just love it.

You could say by the next picture, that I’m truly smiling at the camera, long time I didn’t honestly smiled like that at a picture, and I have my reasons:

It’s probably since I’m currently switching jobs which means that I might have a great opportunity ahead of me (won’t say here what it’s all about yet), also I’m working very hard on wedoit4you.com.

It’s finally snowing again! It makes a little more sense to be in this cold with the beautiful and unusual white color everywhere, to me it’s like the whole street was full of ice cream, it looks great when there’s a lot of it and it’s still clean.

This Picture I’m very proud of, click on it for a nice wallpaper of the Chrysler Building on 42nd St.

I’m going as much as I can to the capoeira and I’m seeing some results, the batizado is coming next month with the best of the best in the world to kick me out of that roda and officially give me my “Apelido”:”Cicatriz” (my Capoeira nickname, which means ‘Scar’),

This is from the Bull’s Ass in Downtown, it looks as if it was about to take a shit on the flags, hehe

I finally made my mp3 player work under Linux (about a month looking for the damn drivers, and THAT really put a smile on me), which made me do something really cool… Format my windows partition and have all that space only for Linux (what a geek)

And also, I’m seeing someone very special which I rather keep to myself for now. Those of you that are close to me will know who she is. I can only say she’s an avid reader of this blog, somone who once was on the reader side jumped inside the screen to be part of the story. Wish I could do that!

There she is… sitting in the center of the picture… ;)

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