How much electricity does the Facebook app consume everyday by making phones vibrate with push notifications?

My silly little goal is to convince Facebook to pre-configure its mobile apps so they don’t make phones vibrate by default and push silent notifications to mobile users.

Help me make an estimate, we need to know on average how many milliwatts the average phone will spend per notification, and an estimate of how many push notifications are received by smartphones worldwide from facebook.

Say a phone consumes 150 milliwatts per push notification, and in one minute alone facebook sends 1 million notifications, Facebook would be consuming the world about 9 Megawatts/hour. This would be just a number thrown out there since I don’t know for sure if that’s the average power consumed, nor I know how many notifications are received per minute, I bet it’s way more than 1 million per minute.

Would love the help from people who work at Facebook or who have stats on push notifications, as well as any engineer working with phone hardware at any major phone manufacturing company.

Twitter is also sending a lot of notifications to phones.

Turn off vibration on your Facebook app, you will save a considerable amount of battery every day.

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