[SCREENCAST] How to do Unit Testing on Android with Eclipse

I was going to make a tutorial, but then I figured that making a video would be a much better way to show this.
As for the code that you could grab from a tutorial, there’s a link at the end of the post with all the code shown in the video demo.

The video demo covers how to create and run Unit Test classes for regular Java classes on Android, and also how to create and run Unit Test classes that test classes that depend on Android “Context” or “Activity” objects.

If your Android unit tests are not running because of frustrating error messages, the time spent watching this video will save you a lot of reading and headaches.

Check the screencast after the break

How to Unit Test on Android [SCREENCAST]
Uploaded by wedoit4you. – Explore more science and tech videos.

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24 thoughts on “[SCREENCAST] How to do Unit Testing on Android with Eclipse

  1. Wow. That was a bit more involved than unit testing could be! Apparently the Android Unit Testing in Eclipse was not developed using unit testing.

    You gave a good presentation since I can take advantage of the pause button.

  2. That was fabulous, thanks very for posting it. Would love to read about your prices of creating screen casts.

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