How to get a Hulu Invite now (hurry while they fix it)

Hulu is the new video on demand service that seems to want to compete against Hulu

Finally NBC and other media power houses realized they had to make it easy for people on the internet to get their content on demand for free, people were getting it anyway and they weren’t making any money, but this is not what this article is about, this article is about getting you to watch The Office and other cool shows, legally, right now.

How to activate your account without waiting

It seems Hulu has seen the first of many hacks, their developers seem to be not very detailed oriented, since its pretty stupid the way I got my account activated. This is how…

  • Sign up for a beta account
  • You’ll receive an email telling you that as soon as they’re ready they’ll activate your account
  • Go to the site again and click on Forgot your password
  • Enter the email you used to register
  • Check your email, you will have an email with your “Forgotten password” 😉
  • Login and activate your Hulu account

Wonder if this is just a stupid bug, or a way for them to advertise for free. I’m already advertising for them 🙂

5 thoughts on “How to get a Hulu Invite now (hurry while they fix it)

  1. They fixed it. Now there’s no “Forgot your password” link and the old URL redirects back to the hulu homepage.

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