Interviewed by LaTati

This week I was interviewed to talk about by one of the most famous podcasters of the Hispanic Podcastphere, Minelia Manriquez, a.k.a. La Tati.

I was invited to her show Variedades en Red to talk about the past, present and future of as well as the new Blooploader.

If you are a Spanish speaker you should not miss the episode, great music, other good geek interviews about iPhone hacking, and of course you might hear a few surprises that may come out soon to

Variedades en Red is a weekly hispanic podcast that’s aired in several web radio stations reaching crowds anywhere from Argentina, to the US, to Spain and all of latin america.

Some of the radio stations that broadcast this show are:

One thought on “Interviewed by LaTati

  1. orale…
    buena tu manera de pensar we
    saludos desde mexico

    pd; me gusto mybloop 😛

    frostwire me late pero no me da los resultados de busqueda que otros p2p bueno que otro… en fin lo usare me late este proyecto y la unica manera que de lo mismo que los otros es que mas lo usen.. (solo lo descubri?) jaja

    escuche tu otro podcast en tecnotulia xd, estoy q me la pelo por comprarme una mac xD

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