It’s 2012 and elevator designers still haven’t put an UNDO button in panels

Don’t you hate when the wrong floor has been selected by someone and then everybody in the elevator has to pay with time for that error.

Enter the UNDO button for elevators. Such a simple idea.

It could work in 2 ways.

1. You press the button and it unselects the last button pressed, and so on.

2. You press the button, all selected buttons change color to hint the user you can undo any of them, and then press the floor you want to unselect.

Better yet! when are touchscreen elevator panels coming? that way we could update them, and even put ads on them (and even ads related to the floor you’re going to if you’re in a commercial building)

One thought on “It’s 2012 and elevator designers still haven’t put an UNDO button in panels

  1. They already have that feature. You hold the button in, the elevator will think it is stuck, and reset all the buttons.

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