Joost ads 2 shows to get us hooked

Maybe Joost still has a chance, all they gotta do is keep adding more good content, and think hard on how to make their content exploration better, as it is, nothing looks appealing enough.

I found out this past weekend they added 2 shows I love, and I’ve been on a Joost marathon during this holiday.

The first show that had me like a potato couch is The Twilight Zone

It’s been added as yet another “CBS Channel”, they might as well let you browse the content by Shows > Seasons , it’d make more sense to the Video on demand user, I honestly don’t think the “Channel” metaphor works.

The other show that can get you hooked is Married… With Children, this one by a channel called Funnybone. However, it’s a bit of a mess, its not organized by season, it’s just a bunch of episodes here and there.

Let’s see if things look up for Joost, otherwise they’ll end up out of the game by the end of the year, many other competitors are joining and doing lots of awesome things.

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