LimeWire 4.12 Released! (And they moved my name further down on the credits)

Here’s the release post on the LimeWire Blog

Check out the credits of the software, I used to be on the Web Dev Team, my props to Andrew Fischler and best of luck to Dave Yeu, it’s great to be a web dev for such an exciting site, I’m sure you’ll learn a lot.

I’m thankful they kept me on the credits. Hi to Meghan Formel and Karl Magdsick who also moved on to other exciting projects, the best to you too.

Inspired by LimeWire’s owner, Mark Gorton, the LimeWire project is a collaborative open source effort involving programmers and researchers from all over the world. The collaborative nature of Gnutella is also reflected in the Gnutella Developers Forum (GDF), of which LimeWire is a participant. The members of the GDF work in the trenches every day to make Gnutella a truly innovative collection of protocols that is constantly improving — a testament to the power of open protocols and open standards.

LimeWire is also, of course, the result of the countless hours of work by LimeWire’s developers:
Greg Bildson
Sam Berlin
Zlatin Balevsky
Roger Kapsi
Mark Kornfilt
Akshay Kumar
Kevin Faaborg
Justin Schmidt
Tim Olsen
Felix Berger

Behind the scenes business strategy and day-to-day affairs are handled by LimeWire’s business developers:
Katie Catillaz
Rachel Sterne

Jesse Rubenfeld

The LimeWire web site and LimeWire graphic design are the hard work of LimeWire’s web team:
Andrew Fischler Jr.
Dave Yeu

LimeWire PRO questions are dutifully answered by LimeWire technical support:
Zenzele Bell
Kirk Kahn
Christine Cioffari

In addition, the following individuals have worked on the LimeWire team in the past but have since moved on to other projects:
Aubrey Arago
Susheel Daswani
Adam Fisk
Meghan Formel
Tarun Kapoor
Angel Leon (Me me me me!)
Karl Magdsick
Yusuke Naito
Dave Nicponski
Christine Nicponski
Christopher Rohrs
Anurag Singla
Robert Soule
Sumeet Thadani
Ron Vogl

LimeWire open source contributors have provided significant code and many bug fixes, ideas, research, etc. to the project as well. Those listed below have either written code that is distributed with every version of LimeWire, have identified serious bugs in the code, or both:
Richie Bielak
Jerry Charumilind
Marvin Chase
Robert Collins
Kenneth Corbin
David Graff
Andy Hedges
Michael Hirsch
Jens-Uwe Mager
Gordon Mohr
Chance Moore
Rick T. Piazza
Eugene Romanenko
Gregorio Roper
William Rucklidge
Phil Schalm
Eric Seidel
Philippe Verdy
Stephan Weber
Jason Winzenried

LimeWire would also like to thank the many contributors to the internationalization project, both for the application itself and for the LimeWire web site. Several colleagues in the Gnutella community merit special thanks. These include:
Vincent Falco — Free Peers, Inc.
Gordon Mohr — Bitzi, Inc.
John Marshall — Gnucleus
Jason Thomas — Swapper
Brander Lien — ToadNode
Angelo Sotira —
Marc Molinaro —
Simon Bellwood —
Serguei Osokine
Justin Chapweske
Mike Green
Raphael Manfredi
Tor Klingberg
Mickael Prinkey
Sean Ediger
Kath Whittle
Finally, LimeWire would like to extend its sincere thanks to these developers, users, and all others who have contributed their ideas to the project. Without LimeWire users, the LimeWire network would not exist.

Hey Ian, you know what this means right?

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