Meet Frank, The First iPad owner in Miami Beach, FL

Frank was kindly demoing his new iPad to anybody that would come by, he was sitting right in front of the store.

More pictures after the break

He mentioned he’s applied several times for a job at the Apple Store in Miami Beach (with no luck), he was hanging out demoing the product to whoever asked, getting pictures taken, etc. He also said he was hoping after this that they’ll be willing to take him. How awesome to create a brand that draws so much affection.

Apple has it easy to promote this product, lots of fans, and even some free press, there was a TV van with it’s microwave antenna, the crew was interviewing a lot of people and by the looks of it they were also going give live coverage. (I don’t know of what…, it’s not like something amazing was about to happen, just a bunch of early adopters waiting in the sun to pay a lot of money for a device that’s just hyped.)

However it’s far from Gubatron ready, it had the potential of being a great product, but Apple has done this and it will keep doing it, they know they don’t have to have the perfect product the first time, they can milk a lot of fanboys while they’re still not done, create hype and beat everyone else to market innovative toys.

For my opinion on the iPad, read iPad, iPass

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