IntelliJ / Adroid Studio / CLion / GoLand / PyCharm / PHPStorm keymap shortcuts I can’t live without

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I got to IntelliJ after years of using Emacs and Eclipse. Here’s how my keymap looks now that I work with Jetbrains tools, these are the keyboard shortcuts I can’t live without as a programmer.


Legend (Mac keyboard)
⌘ Command
⇧ Shift

⌘1 Show Intent Actions (Things like assign to local variable)
⌘- Decrease font size
⌘= Increase font size
⌘0 Reset font size
⌘↓ Scroll to botom
⌘↑ Scroll to top
⌘f Find in text
⌘. Find next highlighted error
^⇧F Find in path (searches in all files, like a grep)
⌘⇧G Find Usages (Find all Occurrences of selected symbol [variable, method, class, identifier])
⌘I Show current function/method parameter info
F3 Jump to source (go inside function’s code)
⌘E Show list of recent files
⌘B Build
⌘L Jump to line number
⌘[ Back
⌘] Forward
⌘T Show implementations of an interface.
⌘⇧F Format (selected) code
⌘⇧O Organize/Optimize imports
⌘⌥R Rename current symbol
^K Kill line
⌘D Duplicate line
Ctrl+G on selected token – repeats selection and enables multiple cursors
Alt+Up | Alt+Down – Move the current line up or down

Debugger shortcuts
F5 Step Into
F6 Step Over
F7 Step Out
F9 Resume Program

^K Cut up to Line End. (Deletes everything to the right of where the text cursor or caret is)

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