New FrostWire 4.17.1 Released



Official FrostWire 4.17.1 Download link — The last of the 4.17.x FrostWire series is finally out. The following is a list of the most important updates made for this release, which irons out most of the complains received from the community in regards to 4.17.0.

The new FrostWire will allow us to distribute twice the number of installers using the same bandwidth employed by 4.17.0, The new FrostWire installer has been reduced in sized more than 50% by using the latest in compression technology.

  • Half sized installers
  • It will attempt to add the default Library folder of 4.13.5 so users won’t feel like they lost their old library
  • FrostWire now can be auto-started when Windows starts. This setting is available from the ‘Option’ menu (‘Windows boot’) and from the initial setup.
  • File Association issues fixed. FrostWire will open automatically on Windows and MacOSX upon clicking on .torrents (files and links), and magnet links.
  • Fixes compatibility issues with iTunes 8
  • Heavy work on all translations. Translation files now work with for more open collaboration of worldwide translator volunteers
  • Default Community Chat chatroom auto join update (in your own language) makes chatting friendlier to non-english speaking users. Users that speak the following languages will auto join to rooms of their own language: Dutch, Portuguese, French, German, Spanish, Turkish, Norwegian, Danish, Italian, Swedish, Polish, Czech, Filipino, Japanese, Finnish and Hungarian. No more unexplained kicks to international users!
  • Updated “FrostWire” font logo on the Logo Pane
  • Icons updated
  • Volume toolbar graphic replaced
  • Fixed playback Issue when continuous playback was selected
  • Valid Chatroom links will now open on the user’s default browser
  • About FrostWire

    FrostWire, a BitTorrent/Gnutella Peer-to-Peer client, is a collaborative effort from many Open Source developers and contributors from all around the world. In late 2005, concerned developers of LimeWire’s open source community announced the start of a new project fork “FrostWire” that would protect the developmental source code of the LimeWire client and any improvements to the Gnutella protocol design. The developers of FrostWire give high regard and respect to the GNU General Public License and consider it to be the ideal foundation of a creative and free enterprise market.

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