nginx server configuration for a wordpress instance served from a URL’s subdirectory

You want to serve a wordpress instance on a website’s domain url but not at the path’s root, you want it under a sub-directory, for example “blog”, the same as this blog: 

Here’s how my NGINX’s server block for ‘’ looks like at the moment (https/ssl hasn’t been configured yet)

[pastacode lang=”javascript” path_id=”fc6f967d7689931c81e9e9691b714f29″ file=”” highlight=”” lines=”” provider=”gist”/]

Here is the equivalent in lighttpd, too bad lighttpd has no plans for HTTP2, it’s much friendlier and flexible to configure than nginx in my humble opinion.

[pastacode lang=”javascript” path_id=”d6e2f73026cf61ac74e1d45ce8a401b5″ file=”” highlight=”” lines=”” provider=”gist”/]

I used to host this website and wordpress on lighttpd, lighttpd’s config file is very powerful, it’s all based on matching server variables and applying rules, I will miss it dearly, things like having a compressed file cache and it’s flexibility, but I have to move on to nginx if I want to use http2, the lighttpd has no plans for http2 support and it’s just much faster and efficient than http 1.1.

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