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Bug Eating Plant
Bug Eating Plant Originally uploaded by Gubatron. My girlfriend bought me a Bug Eating plant for my birthday, sweet. No more fruit bugs around the kitchen anymore 🙂
How much electricity does the Facebook app consume everyday by making phones vibrate with push notifications?
My silly little goal is to convince Facebook to pre-configure its mobile apps so they don’t make phones vibrate by default and push silent notifications to mobile users. Help me make an estimate, we need to know on average how many milliwatts the average phone will spend per notification, and an estimate of how many […]
Geek T-Shirt Collection #16 – Linux Rules
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Hola. Una pregunta, a ver si me puedes ayudar. Hace poco compré un iPod nano y cuando descargo iTunes algo sucede que el reproductor de cd desaparece, simplemente introduzco un cd y dice que no hay ninguno por lo que no suena nunca. Apenas desinstalo iTunes y Quick Player el problema se soluciona. ¿Tendrá algo que ver el Windows Vista? o es que debo configurarlo de alguna manera? Gracias por tu tiempo.