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19 Reasons to switch to eBooks/eReaders
So I’m tired of evangelizing eBooks/eReaders in person and I guess I’ll do a lot more good by writing this so that you can share it next time you want to convince a friend to live in the year 2013 and stop the mad romanticism about the handicapped physical books, it’s just ludacris reading a […]
Legalization: Yes We Can
Repost if you can. This ad is the first TV Ad ever to be run nationwide in Pro of Marijuana legalization. It started today, 4/20 “four twenty” a date that matches the pot-iconic number. It’s time it’s legalized, it’s not like they’re not smoking, you might as well tax it, create jobs, export it and […]
Black Friday (2006) in Front of Macy’s at 34th St, New York
The power of a capitalist nation (a little insane to shop, but beautiful to see that we can go out and buy what we want). Let’s hope we can start doing this again in Venezuela after the elections, currently people who can get dollars have to come to the states to buy, otherwise its a […]
Es quiza una de las mejores explicaciones de lo sucedido e incluso, es un batacaso al comandante presidente de Venezuela, para ver si aprende a que la altaneria se la puede dejar su mujer si es que tiene.