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iPad, iPass
Beautiful device, beautiful looking software but way too expensive for the minimum storage capabilities that a multimedia/gaming device should have. If you’re giving me a great screen for video, powerful graphic processing capabilities and only WiFI connectivity you must think I will want to have a few movies, pictures and music stored in the device […]
Raperos con estilo
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[Video] Murders down a 68% in Caracas? Watch the real deal, brutal murder at Locatel Las Mercedes
WARNING: If you have a heart condition, or you can’t see violence, or if you have any children around you, I recommend you don’t watch this video right now. I watched it, and being a native from that city, just hearing how the thugs speak on their aggresive slang, seeing his intentions and then their […]
Es quiza una de las mejores explicaciones de lo sucedido e incluso, es un batacaso al comandante presidente de Venezuela, para ver si aprende a que la altaneria se la puede dejar su mujer si es que tiene.