Peter Thiel Quotes from the Singularity Summit 2011

I’m beginning to think that the main character of the movie “Limitless” (actually the book “Dark Fields”) was inspired on Peter Thiel.

“The globalization story without technology simply does not work” Peter Thiel #SingularitySummit

“We gotta search WHERE the singularity will happen” Peter Thiel #SingularitySummit

“You become an entrepreneur in order to solve a problem” Peter Thiel #SS11

“When you think the future is indeterminate and probabilistic, you don’t think about the specifics” Peter Thiel #SS11

Thiel on green energy: “like if amazon said they’ll sell books that cost twice as much and ship in six months but with govt subsidies” #ss11

“The lowest-hanging fruit in preventative medicine is just to really focus on nutrition.” -Peter Thiel

“We need more pessimism that the future might be a lot worse, and we need more optimism that the future might be better.” —Peter Thiel

“the way people deal with death is probably the paradigm example of denial” -Peter Thiel #ss11

“Big part of the challenge to innovation is that people too easily resign themselves to dying.” -Peter Thiel #ss11

“A lot of the key to Apple’s succes is Designing technology in order to hide it.” -Peter Thiel #SS11

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