Remaining Questions about Palm’s Pre and it’s WebOS

It was an impressive presentation the one Palm gave about it’s new product, but there are still many things they didn’t mention:

  • Battery life? It’s cool that it has a removable battery, but how long does it last?
  • What can we build on it? They mentioned HTML, CSS and Javascript as the tools of the trade, but if their JS interpreter doesn’t give us namespaces or global access to built in functions to access core functionality of the phone, there won’t be nothing more than a bunch of web widgets available. There was no mention whatsoever of games for this platform, maybe they’re going after the blackberry crowd and not the iPhone crowd
  • How do developers distribute apps? I didn’t like the whole Sprint Exclusive crap, give us a palm-pre store!
  • Flash Support?
  • No demo of the camera, can it do video, no demo whatsoever of multimedia so far
  • No demo of the device making a phone call

Not sure if those are things that we should take for granted, or that the device still has a long way to go.

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