Just wanted to share my pride as a MyBloop.com developer with all of you with this t-shirt I made recently
Click on the images to enlarge
Personal Coding and Hobby Notebook
//By Gubatron, just a silly function to clear the contents of a listbox object var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var Browser = new Object() Browser.isIE = window.ActiveXObject ? true : false; Browser.isFirefox = (ua.indexOf(“firefox”)!=-1); function clearListbox(listboxObject) { if (Browser.isFirefox) { //in firefox “Option” objects remove themselves. var options = listboxObject.options while (options.length > 0) { options[options.length-1].remove() […]
Aprovecho y doy 2 consejos. Cuando Amarok, o XMMS no te quieren funcionar, y no ves ningun proceso que este relacionado en top, matas todo… firefox, xmms, amarok, y aun nada…. la solucion es lsof. Intenta hacer esto: lsof | grep alsa Aparecera una lista de procesos y te muestra que librerias estan ocupando. Mata […]
Sometimes you don’t want/cant use maven repos, all you have is a bunch of local jars on disk that you want to use as part of your compilation classpath, and the freaking gradle documentation is too vague. Here is an example: [pastacode lang=”java” manual=”dependencies%20%7B%0Acompile%20files(%E2%80%98lib%2Fjars%2Fgettext-commons.jar%E2%80%99%2C%0A%E2%80%98lib%2Fjars%2Flucene-3.5.0.jar%E2%80%99%2C%0A%E2%80%98lib%2Fjaudiotagger.jar%E2%80%99%2C%0A%E2%80%98lib%2Fjars%2Fh2-1.3.164.jar%E2%80%99%2C%0A%E2%80%98lib%2Fjars%2Fmessages.jar%E2%80%99%2C%0A%E2%80%98lib%2Fjars%2Fslf4j-api-1.7.5.jar%E2%80%99%2C%0A%E2%80%98lib%2Fjars%2Fjaudiotagger.jar%E2%80%99%2C%0A%E2%80%98lib%2Fjars%2Fmetadata-extractor-2.6.2.jar%E2%80%99%0A)%0A%7D” message=”” highlight=”” provider=”manual”/]
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