So I did go to Austria!!!

I guess I haven’t had too much time to blog.
I came with some teamates from LimeWire to Austria for something we geeks call a ‘SnowSprint’.

It’s a Code Sprint, which means, people from all over the world come to work together, to teach and learn from each other, 7 days, everybody inside an amazing hut located on the top of a snowy mountain somewhere in Austria.

I’ve shot several hundred pictures from the moment we left New York till our adventure brought us here. So, you can see all the pictures on my Flickr if you like to see pictures about travelling, snowy mountains and of course if you’re a fan of Guby (just kidding).

So, now it’s 2:51am Austria time, 8:51pm NY, 9:51 Caracas, gotta go to sleep.
Finally I’m getting up to speed when it comes to Zope, Plone and Python.

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