[SOLVED] Java7 SMTP Issue (Caused by: sun.security.pkcs11.wrapper.PKCS11Exception)
So you had your little program that would use AWS to send emails, and all of a sudden after a…
So you had your little program that would use AWS to send emails, and all of a sudden after a…
So you decided to build your next web app/site using nothing but HTML5 and Javascript. No server side processing for…
[bash]s3cmd put –add-header "Cache-Control: 604800" -P ./* s3://mybucket.com/path/to/files/[/bash] If you have your CloudFront Distribution pointed to your S3 bucket, files…
gid= and uid= are not valid for XFS, pass “grpid=” to your fstab entry. /dev/xvdf /media/ebs/data xfs defaults,auto,noatime,noexec,grpid=1000 0 0