Tech Events Calendar for Geeks

Here’s a list of the most important Tech Events I follow every year. Please leave a comment if I left a very important yearly event out.

CES (Consumer Electronics Show) – First weeks of January in Vegas
Next one: January 7-10 2010

The International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is a non-public trade show held each January in Las Vegas, Nevada, and is sponsored by the Consumer Electronics Association. Here’s where Bill Gates did all his famous keynotes.

TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) – First weeks of February usually in Monterrey, CA.
TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is an annual conference that defines its mission as “ideas worth spreading”. The lectures, also called TED Talks, cover a broad set of topics including science, arts and design, politics, education, culture, business, global issues, technology and development, and entertainment. Speakers have included such people as former U.S. President Bill Clinton, Nobel laureates James D. Watson, Murray Gell-Mann, and Al Gore, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, Google co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page, and Billy Graham.

SXSW (South by Southwest) – First weeks of March
South by Southwest (SXSW) is a set of interactive, film, and music festivals and conferences that take place every spring in Austin, Texas. SXSW first began in 1987 and is centered on the downtown Austin Convention Center. Each of the three parts runs relatively independently, with different start and end dates.

WWDC (Apple Worldwide Developers Conference) – First weeks of June in San Francisco
The conference is primarily used by Apple to showcase its new software and technologies for developers, as well as offering hands-on labs and feedback sessions

E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) – Usually the third week of May in Los Angeles.
The Electronic Entertainment Expo, commonly known as E3, is an annual trade show for the computer and video games industry presented by the Entertainment Software Association (ESA). It is used by many video game developers to show off their upcoming games and game-related hardware.

In 2009 it was held from July 11 to July 13. E3 2010 will take place from June 15 to 17 at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

JavaOne – Between April and June in San Francisco.
JavaOne is an annual conference (since 1996) put on by Sun Microsystems to discuss Java technologies, primarily among Java developers. JavaOne is held at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, California usually between April and June and typically runs from Sunday to Friday. Technical sessions on a variety of topics are held during the day. In the evening, Birds of a Feather (BOF) sessions are held at the Moscone Center and surrounding hotels. BOF sessions allow people to focus in on a particular aspect of Java technology.

Google I/O – Last week of May in San Francisco
Google I/O was a web developer-focused conference organized by Google to discuss web applications using Google and open web technologies.

TechCrunch50 – Third week of September in San Francisco
TechCrunch50 was a conference held at the Design Center Concourse in San Francisco, California on September 8-10, 2008, hosted by TechCrunch and Jason Calacanis. Its aim was to find the best Web 2.0 start-ups and launch them in front of the industry’s most influential venture capitalists, companies and press.[1] TechCrunch50 was the 2nd of its kind, following the TechCrunch40 Conference of 2007.
The next one will be on September 14-15, 2009

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