This looks a lot cooler now. You gotta love the new dashboard.
Related Posts as a search engine in Firefox as a search engine in Firefox Originally uploaded by Gubatron. Sneak peak of what the next version will have to offer.
Thoughts during my first hours in London
I’ve finally taken a week off from work, and I decided to go to one of the must-visit cities on my list while my wife does her Indian journey with her sister. I’m in London, and I must say I’m not that thrilled yet (I haven’t seen anything so far), maybe it’s cause I’m alone, […]
IntelliJ / Adroid Studio / CLion / GoLand / PyCharm / PHPStorm keymap shortcuts I can’t live without
Download settings.jar (Import with `File -> Import Settings`) I got to IntelliJ after years of using Emacs and Eclipse. Here’s how my keymap looks now that I work with Jetbrains tools, these are the keyboard shortcuts I can’t live without as a programmer. Legend (Mac keyboard) ⌘ Command ⇧ Shift ⌘1 Show Intent Actions […]