
Last year I spent my thanksgivings on my newly rented room, all by myself, and pretty much starving compared to how much people eat on this holiday in the US.

The year before that I was still in Miami and I was lucky enough to be invited by a friend, to her friend’s south beach mansion thanksgiving dinner. Not the traditional thanksgiving dinner.

This year, finally I feel like I had a decent, somewhat traditional, but best of all, family thanksgivings dinner. (Thanks babe for inviting me over)

Me and Paulina
Me and my Baby Boo (Hi Everyone, this is my girlfriend Paulina)

This month I guess I spent more month than usual, I keep remembering this scene on Fight Club where the guy explains how his life is becoming somewhat a catalog,

So yes, I’m becoming another consumist ‘american’, guess what, I love it, it’s nice to be comfy and have all the things you need (and deserve). Hail capitalism, Hail globalization, Hail technology, Hail being able to work and earn what you deserve, and as some in my country say proudly that they’re communist and I respect their opinions, I proudly say FUCK THAT BULLSHIT, it’s not in human nature, it’s not the way of the jungle people, I say communism is for conformists, communism is nothing but a beautiful portrait of a society that will never happen, in practice it’s an ideology used to convince the needy, give them breadcrumbs and a little help while making everyone poorer instead of bringing free trade and money to create jobs with decent salaries… anyway, politics came into my train of thought, I guess I’m just wishing more people in my country (Venezuela) were able to earn/spend money without so much trouble.

Ok, when’s my next paycheck again…?



Also been reading a little about stock trading, portfolios, and following stock prices on major technology companies, let’s see if this month I finally take that first step and invest some money on a balanced portfolio, let’s hope the market won’t crash anytime soon.

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