Today starts the Stanford online AI Course

I just wanted to say that I have high hopes for the impact of this Stanford initiative.

AI is one powerful discipline of computer science, one that many software engineers never experience first hand (this will be my chance to formally do AI for the first time, and I’ve been doing this almost 10 years now).

Personally I’m going to puke the next time I hear about another social oriented project coming out. We already have a sound Social Layer on the web, now it’s time to build amazing stuff on top of it.

The big guys of the internet do have a lot of AI and machine learning powering their services (I’d like to think that Facebook uses a lot of machine learning in lots of their products, pictures, the feed, ad displaying, etc.)

So, I truly hope that out of the 85,000+ people that signed up to the AI and ML courses, at least 1,000 will use the knowledge to build the next generation of AI/ML powered internet services.

I hope to be able to have the time and discipline to finish the course and come out with a lot more of understanding on these subjects, I certainly have lots of ideas on what I could do with AI and ML, and the future looks really exciting.

AI is going to leave a lot of people unemployed (it can already do so many jobs a lot better than humans), hopefully programmers will be among the last of them 🙂

Let’s see what comes out of this.

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