Twitts in a Nutshell for 2008-02-12

  • Mac-MyBloop users you can take it for a beta ride #
  • just watched the Knight Rider commercial, starting this sunday at 9pm on NBC, let’s see if it becomes a hit #
  • scanning a document for my buddy Daniel #
  • sipping on Dunkin Donut coffe on my starbucks mug, preparing for windows users thanks to beta tester feedback #
  • all while blasting Dance Department Podcast all over the office #
  • Orgasmo auditivo en el "coro" de la cancion DJ Sasha Who Killed Sparky #
  • es un crimen no escucharla a todo volumen #
  • If I could vote, I’d vote for Obama #
  • finally it’s snowing decently in New York #
  • @alexm: Estas seguro que son 100 ips diferentes, o que son 10 personas haciendo 10 conexiones (imagenes, html, css) #
  • @alexm: pon todas tus imagenes, css, y todo contenido estatico en otra maquina #
  • @alexm: en la maquina que tengas contenido estatico, no pongas apache, pon nginx o lighttpd, apache es una mierda sirviendo archivos #
  • Snow! yes moooore mooore!! Show me more Snow New York!!! Make it up for all the snow we didn’t have!!! don’t stop! 6 feet of snow!!! snow ! #
  • Today Jericho Season 2, on CBS, yay, at 10pm #

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